Embarking on a Path of Service

You are welcome to download here, in any of the languages noted, the latest editions of the first five books in our main sequence of courses. The books are being made available for anyone who wishes to participate in a global conversation taking place in Bahá’í communities everywhere about the betterment of the world.

All are invited to study the books and discuss their content with a few friends. You are welcome to contact a Bahá’í community near you, using this list, if you would like to study them in a more formal online group or continue with other books in our main sequence of courses. If unsure about whom to contact, you can write to sfruhidist@ruhi.org for assistance.

We simply ask that neither the books nor any portions thereof be uploaded to other sites on the internet or to cloud-storage platforms or that they be used for commercial purposes or in ways which run counter to the spirit of the materials themselves or which misrepresent their intent.

Book 1

Reflections on the Life of the Spirit
Book 1

About this book
Book 2

Arising to Serve
Book 2

About this book
Book 3

Teaching Children’s Classes, Grade 1
Book 3

About this book
Book 4

The Twin Manifestations
Book 4

About this book
Book 5

Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth
Book 5

About this book
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